Prof. Dr. Teuku Zulfikar, S. Ag., M. Ed
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Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Teuku Zulfikar is Senior Lecturer of the Department of Language Education in the Faculty of Educational Science. Prof. Zulfikar earned a Ph.D. degree from Monash University, Australia in Language and Cultural Studies (2011). He completed two master’s degrees, one from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, the USA in Educational Administration with minor in Applied Linguistics (2006) with Fulbright Scholarship, and the other one from Monash University in Leadership, Policy, and Change in Education (2003) with AusAid Scholarship. He is teaching both at undergraduate and graduate-level classes at UIN Ar-Raniry.

Prof. Zulfikar had served a position as a senior researcher at International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies from 2012-2015 and served the directorship position from February 2016 to 2018.  His research interest includes language studies, education governance, education management, leadership, pedagogy and cultural studies, youth and religious identity, language teaching, and also ethnographic studies. He has published widely in the field of language education, education and social science. Some of his selected publications are “from an active learner to a reflective practitioner: Learning to become professional Indonesian EFL instructor”;  “researching my own backyard: an inquiry into an ethnographic study”; “I feel different though: Narratives of young female Indonesian Muslims in Australian public school; understanding Muslim identity from multiple lenses: insights from a minority group in Australia; Indonesian education: its effort for a progressive learning environment and other important work. At the moment, he is involved in a number of organizations: International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS); Aceh Institute for Human Resource Development (AIHRD); Institute for Islamic Studies Interreligious Dialogue and Peace (IISIDP); English Language, Literature and Education (ELITE) and (Teaching English as Foreign Language Indonesia (TEFLIN).

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