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Qudwatin Nisak M. Isa is one of faculty members in the Department of English Language Teacher Education, Faculty of Education and Pedagogy, The Islamic State University of Ar-Raniry. She earned her undergraduate degrees in 2001 from two departments, namely: English Teacher Education at The State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Ar-Raniry (now UIN Ar-Raniry) and also Biology from Faculty of Mathematics and Science, the University of Syiah Kuala. Prior to graduation she taught English and Biology at public and private institutions, senior and junior high school in Banda Aceh. In 2003, she started the journey to become a permanent teacher educator at Faculty of education and Pedagogy, UIN Ar-Raniry.
She gained her master degrees in 2009 from two universities: Master of Education in secondary education majoring in English as a Second Language from University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, USA (under the Fulbright Tsunami Initiative Relief scholarship), and Master of English education (M.Pd) from University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Currently, she is pursuing her doctorate degree in School of Curriculum Teaching & Inclusive Education, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia, under the MoRA & LPDP scholarship with a focus on preparation of beginning English language teachers and teacher education program. Overall, her research interests are in the area of teacher education, ELT, curriculum, assessment, methodology and instructional media.
In 2016, she gained opportunities to join University Connect (USAID Prestasi) short course at Michigan State University, USA to learn more about teacher education program at MSU.
Besides teaching, she has been an instructor at the teacher training and development center (PLPG) and the teacher professional education (PPG) at Faculty of Education and Pedagogy, UIN Ar-Raniry since 2010.